Mind Twisters

Maxwell Conroe’s Mind Twisters are short stories aimed at teasing the reader’s imagination and stimulating their thoughts in a new direction. These narrations affirm his craftsmanship as a concurrent master writer of short stories and thought-provoking essays. Maxwell’s stories tell us that we should not limit our thought processes to rational thinking only, but must leave room for unbridled imagination.

Embrace the genius of Jodorowsky’s Panic Theater and Maxwell’s guerrilla-writing technique. Meet Cadmus, the purported Phoenician inventor of our alphabet. Learn how Dahl’s writing debut was lavishly sponsored by the British Foreign Office, and how he came up with another story. Fact and fiction blend seamlessly in Maxwell’s mind-twisting stories.

Mind Twisters offers an irresistible spiritual journey in a splashing collection of existential narrations.

— Alejandro Jodorowsky —

Mind Twisters can be ordered as Kindle e-book or for global delivery as a paperback via Amazon.

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