
Maxwell Conroe writes literary fiction focusing on existential questions in short stories and novels.  Maxwell’s passion lies in innovative writing about issues that matter. 

Maxwell’s Harlequin Stories take things to the extreme: the story character Adeline is in charge, not the writer. All 16 episodes of Adeline – Who killed the Writer? are freely available as podcasts.

Published books

  • Mind Twisters

    Maxwell Conroe’s Mind Twisters are short stories aimed at teasing the reader’s imagination and stimulating their thoughts in a new direction. These narrations affirm his craftsmanship as a concurrent master writer of short stories and thought-provoking essays. Maxwell’s stories tell us that we should not limit our thought processes to rational thinking only, but must leave room for unbridled imagination.

    Embrace the genius of Jodorowsky’s Panic Theater and Maxwell’s guerilla-writing technique. Meet Cadmus, the purported Phoenician inventor of our alphabet. Learn how Dahl’s writing debut was lavishly sponsored by the British Foreign Office, and how he came up with another story. Fact and fiction blend seamlessly in Maxwell’s mind-twisting stories.

    Mind Twisters offers an irresistible spiritual journey in a splashing collection of existential narrations.

    — Alejandro Jodorowsky —

    Mind Twisters can be ordered as Kindle e-book or for global delivery as a paperback via Amazon.

  • Magic Musings front cover

    Magic Musing

    In Magic Musings, Maxwell Conroe revives many classic story-heroes: Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes, Auguste Dupin, Hercule Poirot. Next, he goes off into the space of creative madness — ‘Newtonian Dreams’ portrays Isaac Newton covered in tar and feathers while being chased down the Halls of the Royal Society by two old adversaries: Gottfried Leibniz and Robert Hooke — it’s brilliant!

    Magic Musing – published August 8, 2023 – and can be ordered as a paperback via Amazon.

Upcoming publications

  • Skeleton Point Cover

    Skeleton Point

    To be published in November/December.

    If you ever feel confused about where you are heading in life and need a mirror to help you reflect on where you are now and want to go next, Skeleton Point is the book. Finding one’s way out of the maze of the Grand Canyon’s trail system is a metaphor for how we must learn to master the pace and chose the direction of our life path while negotiating certain physical and mental hurdles.

    Skeleton Point back cover

    Bizarre adventures and countless apparitions of persons-long-deceased tend to derail Maxwell’s existential journey across Skeleton Point and the Grand Canyon’s maze of trails. While reflecting on where we come from and where we should be heading next, Maxwell meets past writers and a giant snake, while Jesus and Mohamed fret about who has the largest following. Elephants are led to Skeleton Point by no one less than Ram and Vishnu to escort Maxwell with a colorful entourage of artists. The story climaxes with contemplations on the future of mankind, by world leaders, deities and their prophets, at a spectacular congregation staged in the North Rim Lodge.

  • Meaning of Being Front Cover

    The Meaning of Being

    Planned release date: 25 October 2023.

    This book narrates about love, the principal source of inspiration to live and reason of being for many of us. Some of the finest writers have written about love at first sight and first love; then gradually, as one grows older, another perspective on life develops. Under the surface of romanticized love tales play out the real-life dramas that inevitably occur in everyone’s life. These dramas evolve due to commitments in relationships that can, in real-life, never or rarely stay fresh, vibrant, or perfectly happy. Instead, the partners are tormented in their relationship by feelings of regret about love long lost, while languishing in the existing relationship.

    Read Outlines & listen to Martyrs of Azov (Essay XIV), narrated by Samuel L. Jackson.

Header photo by Tim van Cleef @ Unsplash

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