Lasting Words (2023)

Mind Twister 51Vonnegut’s Confetti 

I call my stories Mind Twisters. That is perhaps a very pretentious label, as I realized when stumbling upon the works by Kurt Vonnegut ‒ his graphic illustrations are labeled with a lovely unpretentious name: Confetti. Let me explain first what Kurt wanted to convey to his readers in Confetti, then I’ll come back to what I am after with my Mind Twisters.

Mind Twister 53Grabbing Attention: Jagger’s Obituary 

Getting attention is half the trick, knew Mr. Mick Jagger all along ‒ he never passed an opportunity to promote visibility of both himself and The Stones, his legendary rock band. Behind the poker face of Mick’s stage persona hid a determined and dedicated professional performer, as was observed up-close by a young medical doctor in the 1970s when he took Mr. Jagger in a Volkswagen Beetle to an X-ray machine in the middle of the night ‒ negotiating the labyrinth of Amsterdam’s canals ‒ to finally examine the performer’s sprained ankle. 

Mind Twister 55Garden Secret 

Living alone in his secluded homestead, surrounded by his garden, Isaac (a writer) cares little for socials and generally thrives living the secluded life he had chosen to live. The seemingly innocent garden he dreamily stares into from his writer’s den – it actually harbors a dark secret long lost. 

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